shadow/light worker






 I am here to live as my most authentic self. My gift to the world is my authenticity.

I do not shy away from showing my darkness and wounds because I know that showing the depth of the darkness and wounding allows the light and healing to be seen as the miracle it truly is. My hope is that you see yourself in me and that you find the inspiration to shine bright through my example. Through art and teaching I am bringing about the world that I see in my heart, a world of authenticity, respect, healing, and life. I will show the fullness of my humanity and divinity, the paradoxical foundation of our being, as my gift to the world, so that others may see their own humanity and divinity inside of themselves. I am a bright light that will reach into the death and destruction and provide opportunities for life and wholeness.

The choice for healing is yours, and only you can follow that path. May my light and wisdom be a light and inspiration to you as you go forward.


Bravery is about changing the narrative. Bravery is about facing that which is scary, uncomfortable, or unknown. Life requires bravery, as does healing and light. We must experience our pain, our suffering, our wounds, so that we can learn what they have to teach us, so that we can meet our own needs, and move into spaces of freedom and wisdom, understanding our nature. Bravery is often depicted as a hero, as a soldier, as strength and brute force. Yet, bravery is found in weakness. Bravery is found in the marginalized and the wounded. The healthy do not need doctors, but the sick do. In order to heal, we must realize what is harmful, what is sick, what is the source of pain, so that we can accurately act to bring safety, healing, and life.

These photos were created between my 2 most recent hospitalizations for suicidal ideation. I wanted to capture the pain, the bravery, and the work behind the scenes that no one sees. I wanted vulnerability, weakness, and pain to be seen so that my fullness, strength, and healing could also be seen. I have bipolar disorder, meaning I have manias and I have depressions. Both of these states are crippling and did not allow me to work or participate in society for several years. The bravery to feel is a bravery that heals. This bravery is practicing listening, compassion, understanding, and wisdom towards myself and I have learned that the more I practice these characteristics towards myself the more I can practice them towards others. I do not post these for pity or for myself. I post these out of my sense of integrity, creativity, and authenticity. I will be honest about all, so that all can be seen. This work of art means the most to me of any of my art because it was a critical moment in which my vulnerability and authenticity manifested in the physical realm, created art, and have impacted many. I am grateful for this gift and I will continue to use it as a point for connection within myself and with others.

“My experience with Reclaim Power has been one of support, learning, healing, and fullness. It has been an inspiration to me, allowing me to believe in myself like I never have before. I have been given tools that will help me for the rest of my life. I have been gifted friends and supports. I am honored to be in a group of such amazing, powerful change agents for light and life. I am so thankful for this opportunity and all that I have been given.”

— Lawrence


