


My vision is to create intentional, bespoke spaces and experiences that reframe barriers as possibility. My mission is to develop a powerful network of soulful, purposeful leaders and change-makers who have access to their full experience in their personal and professional lives.

I am a seed that was split and planted in multiple places. In some places, the seed flourished into an open, beautiful and dynamic flower with colours that reflect the gradients of a rainbow – the complex and subtle transitional colours between blue and purple, like lavender or green and yellow, like sage. The flower is sophisticated and knows herself. In other places, the seed was neither watered nor remembered. The seed cracked multiple times and became dust, merging with the earth around it, lost but still distinct in its essence. The seed looks for itself but is overwhelmed by the years of passive and unconscious neglect.

We are all nomadic. I was a nomad who was launched into leadership. It was a necessity, for survival, not always a choice. It was a statement of my right - our right - to be here, to be my true self, to have full thoughts and opinions, to be heard and seen in all of my complexity and multidimensionality. The journey to ground myself in core beliefs has been challenging but deeply rewarding. It has allowed for release of all that is not truly me, and left me with everything that is fundamental.

I am committed to guiding and connecting diaspora leaders on the journey toward this conscious release and reclaiming. I want to support those who have never fit in boxes to stop presenting, pretending and/or placating in order to simply be seen and heard. I want to connect with people who are learning to trust and follow their intuition, to name and claim their personal experiences and their soul’s deepest calling that follows from them.



The Soulful Leadership InstituteTM is a multisensory incubator designed to tap and unleash the pure potential of diaspora leaders. A space for deep self-discovery, it offers a portal for visionaries to dream and imagine possibilities.

This program supports and guides you as you envision an authentic and holistic path for yourself, personally and/or professionally. This is a path honours the fullest and truest version of yourself.

This is a space that honours your deep and diverse experiences across languages, time zones, postal codes, and geographies.

The Soulful Leadership InstituteTM offers a space that recognizes and honours that things are always changing in your world, including personal obligations and commitments and guides you to root yourself in intentional core values, as you are developing a more holistic path forward.

As service-oriented professionals across sectors you have emerged as doers, innovators, generators, leaders, and influencers who have multi-faceted perspectives, influences, and experiences. Answering the questions: “who am I?” and “what do I want?” takes time and practice. Unearthing decades of programmed responses is challenging. The Soulful Leadership InstituteTM creates a sense of place and possibility that assumes your freedom and power as y(our) birthright.


“Reclaim Power is a place to explore, reflect and manifest. I always left a session feeling honest with myself and more deeply grounded in my vision.”


Karin Bischof


Karina Cotran