


I am an Indigenous Batak storyteller and conservationist based in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. I have worked in the field for more than a decade and I am passionate about conservation, decolonization, and the empowerment of women. I lives with seven cats that I rescued from the street. My vision is to see conservation become inclusive so that Indigenous women and members of the LGBT+ community can find their own role in conservation as part of our life. My mission is to encourage and provide safe space in conservation for all as I believe it is our birthright. As Indigenous people, it is not only our duty but also our birthright to be protectors and caretakers on our own land. This is my second year in the Reclaim Power mentorship program.

Nayla Azmi, a Batak woman with brown skin and long dark brown hair, sits defiantly on a rock in a cave, wearing a traditional purple Batak sarong.


We are an Indigenous Batak and Malay women’s initiative that dedicate ourselves to work related to forest conservation as our birthright in Sumatra. Born in this lush land, we have been separated from our land because of colonialization. We believe, one of the core problems of forest and water destruction is the segregation of the very first land water protectors with our own land. We provide safe space to reclaim and take action on every day basis in land water protection, not only because it is our duty as Indigenous people but also our birth right.


“Reclaim Power has changed my life forever…it has guided me on the path to reclaiming my identity as a land and water protector, and most importantly has been my most supportive and safe space.” - Nayla


Adrienne Lehotsky


Sophie Otiende